When Harry Potter was four, twins Ivy and Rose Potter were born. He, of course, had no clue he had two baby sisters that were dropped off by a mystery man at a house in Scotland. He had no clue that these twins would grow up being loved, lied to, abused, and have many ups and downs in life. This he knew not of. But he would learn.
JK Rowling has revealed that Lily Potter was pregnant when she died, and the killing curse was for HER, NOT the twins inside of her. What if they survived? They did. But since their mother died before they were born, it took longer for them to grow.
This book follows Ivy and Rose before and during their first few years of Hogwarts. I only own Ivy, Rose, Danny, and a few others, JK owns the rest.
A girl with a tortured past
Trying to get back on her feet
She has gifts
Gifts people would kill for
Someone has already tried
They'll try again.
You know Newt Scamander. The famous magizoologist. What about his twin sister? Not many people know her.
Well, that's me. Lilibeth Scamander. Do not. Call me Lilibeth. Call me Lily. This is my story of Newt and I in New York.
Note: I own nothing except Lilibeth and the plot lines I add in. That all belongs to the amazing JK Rowling.
Note #2: this contains many many spoilers from the movie so... You have been warned!!!