"Set 1000,000 Years After The North Pole has became a Dystopian World due to Losing Friendship, Xmas Magic & Etc. The World has Become a Terrible War-Filled Evil Place filled with Rude Rich Royals(Except 3), Family Issues, Dictatorship Type Leaders from Different Clans of Ponies, Dragons & More. Now 2 Twin Misfit Colored Nosed Fawn Sisters Brittany J.D Silverman & Bonnie A.D Powers along with Their 5 Foster Mixed Species Siblings, Their 5 New Friendsv and Other Kinds (and some Enemies/Rivals) and Their Loving Foster Parents named Maria J. Silverman & Howard A. Powers to Stop The Clans from starting the War & Save Their Home from being Completely Frozen in a Nuclear Winter & Finding The Source(or Sources) to it.
5 parts