[ALSO ON QUOTEV] My 6TH Incorrect quote book! (I have no life T-T) But still I enjoy making these and I hope YOU enjoy these incorrect quotes!
(Why did that sound like a YT Outro? Who the hell reads these anyways?)
Living on your own, stranded on a planet you meet Keith. He's the first person to see you in a long time. Why? Maybe because he has a wolf like the one you have.
Trying to figure why you're invisible and why Keith can see you you go on a journey with him, while being on different missions with the Blade of Marmora. What will happen?
Lots of fluff because that's what makes me feel really happy and because Keith is adorable ♡
Set after the Voltron story (References to what happens in the series are included!)
All the photos are edited by me, I drew the cover as well :)
If you'd like to see more of my art or edits you can follow me on instagram @bifrost23 @maylightpastels and @moonslightsdreams are my accounts