Deep within the woods Lie the wooden gate They wear their hoods Hurrying now, already late Run now, try to escape the past Run now, try to escape blood Know it is never meant to last It will come just like a flood Those who wish to enter Are already ghosts Or at least Is Haunted by them Valk Howe was born into a Rich family deeply rooted and tied to powerful banks. Ever since he was young he always rejected the life his parents saw fit for the Snivy, one of high education and crunching numbers. Choosing instead to find passion in his music and his more emo style. Soon after his parents grew tired of his inability to fit their view, he was kicked out and started to explore the world with nothing but his Guitar case and amp. That's how one night deep within the dense woods he found himself at the wooden gate to enter the smaller village known as Fartide.All Rights Reserved