There is family, That we will always miss.
There will be times, That we all will never forget it.
But now with those little memories, They will never be gone.
Through the pain that you must have felt, But I know there is no more.
As my eyes start to water, I never thought that this will happen.
I wish I was able to hold your hand, As you fought before you took your last one breath.
I will not questioned why you are no longer here, but I know it is apart of God's plan.
I find myself closing my eyes just so I can see your face, As a smile appears upon my face.
You always knew the right things to do and say, Even if a person was not having the best day.
I was not able to say I love you, But with every hug that I gave you, that truly showed you.
I know that life will sometimes try and break me, But I wish that you was here to uplift me.
I always questioned, "Where are you"? But I know that once I look into the blue sky, you are there guiding me.
I wish there was something that I can do to let you know, That I miss you so much, and I know that you miss me too.