Ever since their first fight, Amy Lopez, more commonly known as the villain Fox Lady, has had an increasingly growing crush towards her former classmate Kitty Woman, aka Lanai Hill. But as life pushes them apart Lanai starts seeing others, making Amy jealous for her attention. Will the feelings ever be returned? What will happen if they aren't?
WARNING: Those with superpowers in this world are treated the same, on average, as those of us in the real world that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. The gays are treated like human beings, as they should be, but there will be times where people against it are referenced. Also the villain is a yandere, meaning there will be death. If you are not comfortable with any of this, please don't read. Please do not read it and then complain about the things that were warned about. Thank you.
Created from a prompt I thought of with a friend while talking with them on Discord.