50 chapitres Terminé A book about a girl named Thea. Her love life, family and friends. Suddenly, her life gets complicated. Will she survive or come crashing down with it?
Thea and Cameron have been best friends for nine years when things start to become more. Other than her love life, things start to fall apart. She finds out secrets that had been kept from her for years and she learns that she can't trust anyone but herself. Maybe she can't even trust Cameron.
This isn't your average 'best friend' love story.
"What if I'm not strong enough for this, Cameron?" I coughed out, tears slipping from the corner of my eyes.
"You are. Thea, you've been through too much not to be. I believe in you." Cameron winced, moving his hand to my cheek with great difficulty, giving me warmth, his own tears staining his cheeks.
You're warned of the following: May be triggering, may cause strong emotions, may cause anger, may cause sadness, may cause laughter, and most of all, you'll be riding one hell of a damn roller coaster.
[Damn, I'm sorry, I suck at descriptions xD I swear the book isn't as bad as I just made it sound]