Series Title ~ (Mystical Books Series) Alexander Argent Book 1 ~ Beyond The Fog ========================== Following a chain of unsolved murder and unexplained noice from the woods, a new kind of mystery is born. Alexander Argent had a lot going on in his life and he didn't expect solving multiple murder cases of become one of them However, like that wasn't enough, he just had to get unexplainable powers at his disposal Nope, Alexander Argent just wanted a normal like with normal highschool dramas in place of near death experiences Seemed like that was too much to for s sixteen year old to ask for ==================== Note ~ This is just a super rough draft of how I want this book to turn out From Characters, to plots and world building, it's not really the best but hey, no author's first draft is perfect? Thanks for reading in advance I hope you don't get scared away within the first few sentences A newbie writer, beauty.,All Rights Reserved
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