Izuku Midoriya is a blader that... Never won a match. He wanted to be just like Aiger Akabane, the Current Beyblade World Champion. But he was picked on by the Baygoma Academy Bey Club, and insulted, but after a battle with his former friend Kachaan that made his bey, Scarlet Ingenious, shatter, the Current Captain of the Bey Club, Tenya Iida kicked him out. Humiliated by his loss, Izuku left Baygoma and headed up to the mountains to restart his life, but that was when he met his hero...
Aiger Akabane himself.
After being asked that Aiger can train him, Izuku accepted and explained the current situation with his bey. But after being told to go to sleep and to think about it, he meet's a strange figure, and this figure tells him that he is a Avatar of the Next Generation. After waking up, Izuku figured out what he was going to do now, and thus he started and finished creating...
One For All Knight. The First Xtreme Bey.
But what's in store for Midoriya when he's approached not just by all sorts of Blading Names and legends, but also them having Xtreme Beys themselves? The only way to find out...
(Note: I don't own Beyblade Burst or MHA, this is a fan-made season.)