A young girl who lived in a small kingdom, known as the Ember Kingdom, was known for her kindness, energetic spirit, and caring heart. Her name was Fawn. Fawn, was what everyone she knew called her, because of how unnaturally small she was. She had small white freckles acrossed her face and raven black hair and tan-colored skin. So some would say she reminded them of a small baby deer, also known as a fawn.
But soon all of that would change when the Ember kingdom overtook the small village and took many hostages, including Fawn. She was only 16 when she was taken from her family, and afterward, she never knew what happened to them. Lord Weiner found something strange about the girl and decided to put her to some good use as a slave in the war.
Fawn didn't want to be involved with the war but if she wanted to live, she had no choice.
On her journey through this conflict, she will learn how to overcome her fears and many obstacles. But along the way, she will meet someone who could save her from the hellish nightmare she lives in.
The only problem being is, this guy she meets might have many walls built around him, blocking everyone out. That's how he got his name, everyone, even the evil king himself, called him Void.
But maybe...
Just maybe...
When the two cross paths, They might be able to change each other, and find a way out of the hellish war.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
*Strong language
*mentions of abuse
*mentions of drug usage
If any of this makes you uncomfortable, I advise you not to read this. If a chapter contains any of these I will put a warning symbol in the title.