19 parts Ongoing MatureThis story follows the young prodigy Grant Alan, a scholar turned telekinetic, surviving in a strange new world after the colossal science vessel, the Halfpace, passes into a future very foreign to him, populated by anthropomorphic creatures that have dominated humanity after a planet-wide war. To ultimately find out what happened to the last vestiges of humanity, Grant must use his wits, friendships and newfound power to navigate this new and dangerous world while an ancient, malevolent force slowly corrupts its new anthro leaders.
(This story contains depictions of violence, death & murder, gore, strong language and some moderate sexual scenes. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED)
As of 12/29/2024, this story, to my knowledge, does not violate any of Wattpad's Terms Of Service/Content Guidelines; All characters depicted in sex scenes are consenting adults. This story does NOT promote self harm or violence and does NOT include illegal sex acts. Any included descriptions of the former (self harm or abuse) are for narrative purposes only and are not portrayed in a positive or promotional way.
I wrote this because I was inspired by "A Man In A Beast's World" by @GhillieCamo. (12/27/2024 UPDATE; HIS STORY WAS REMOVED.
I wrote this story with the intention of creating an intense science-fiction, story rich experience, with some horror, thriller and mystery elements. If that isn't what you're looking for, you're simply in the wrong place. Though, I really think I put a lot of effort into this, so it would mean a lot to me to give it a chance.
I am a huge fan of science-fiction, and this story definitely reflects that.
If you like any of these: books with deep lore, furries, conflict, some romance & awkwardness, horror, robots, star trek, survival, time travel, supernatural powers and aliens, you'll probably like this story.
If you read the whole description, props to you. Anyways, I hope you like my story.