Synopsis: When Aiden Stapleton, a successful private investigator, accepts to look into the murder of a seemingly ordinary college professor, he unwillingly crosses the paths of a government official eager to cover up traces of some shady research and a mysterious killer bound on revenge.  Now five seemingly unrelated professors around the country are dead, an illegal “snow” lab had been burned to the ground, there is a crater in the Arizona desert where a secret experimental complex was located, and Aiden’s life is in danger. And all of those seemingly unrelated events have something to do with Project Cassandra. Posting schedule: Since the chapters in this story are 5000 to 6000 words long, I decided to post one scene at a time. I will be posting a new scene twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. A bit more about this story: This story is fully finished, but since it was the first novel I've ever written, it requires significant edits and rewrites. The version I will be putting here is the second rewrite. I tried to clean it up as much as I could, but please be advised that it's still pretty much a work in progress.
26 parts