What if Emma already knew the secert? What if she got shipped instead of Norman? What if she goes somewhere eles besides the lab? What if she was smarter/stronger than she put off? What if she already had a plan already in action? Read to find out.
Hello my names Emma!!! I live at my orphanage/farm with my family. I seem like a cute, energetic girl [I mean I am I just over do it a little]. I just barely stay on the top with my best freinds Norman, someone who knows nothing about the secert, and Ray, who is mama's "spy". I know mama doesn't want to hurt any of us, though u have have suspicious she's trying to break away with it before Ray, her biological son has to be shipped. I love my family soooo much and I don't want to see them hurt, so I've been forming a plan for everyone and as I go I am uncovering some secerts I definitely will have some problems with in the future. oh well though, I have been training myself at night when everyone is asleep with alot of sorta weapons and self defense when we get out so we can have a better chance of survival. Also have done alot of research.
⚠️NONE OF THE PROMISED NEVERLAND CHARTERS BELONG TO ME⚠️ All credits to the original makers, cover not mine. Contains RayEmma, and a very gay Norman and good Mom. My AU btw, I think this is original idk didn't really look but I think so. Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes 😅.
Love you all thank you so much for even getting past my fricking long description. Hope you all enjoy ❤!