27 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye YetişkinThe leaves waving in the wind, birds singing their beautiful songs, the distant sound of water running through the forest. Living in a dense forest has been Jason's dream place to live since he was little. Although he lived on a farm in Nebraska. He enjoyed the outdoors, the only form of nature he got when living in Nebraska was when he visited the small forests near the Platte River and frequent visits to the Nebraska National Forests near the border of South Dakota. Jason has decided to move to the Chugach Forest within the state of Alaska. Jason has been living there for 2 years. Living deep in the forest but not too far from civilization, he has a good amount of privacy. One day, he decides to go out on a small camping trip to get some deer. On his trip, however, he runs into a pack of wolves, but not just any regular wolves, the group of them turned out to be anthropomorphic wolves, being able to shift into their anthro forms as well as their normal wolf forms. The wolves confront Jason and take him to their Alpha because he is living in their territory. Jason, not wanting to get on the wrong side of the pack, give the deer to them as a peace offering. The Alpha, considerate of Jason's kindness, offers a deal with him. Jason can stay in their territory but in return, he must help in their hunts. Follow Jason on his journey with these anthro wolves as he makes connections with the entire pack and becomes great friends with the Alpha.
Cover by @agoodboi_261
#9 in #furry
#2 in #furryxhuman
#44 in #anthro
#2 in #anthropomorphic