In a world thousands of years after humans, where new biomes have been introduced, in turn creating all sorts of unheard of monsters, this fairytale follows the story of a young boy, his feline like friend, and the companions they meet in their soulful journey of following the stars. In a remote forest unexplored for thousands of years, there is a wooden cabin, home to a witch, a human, and a heze. The witch found the human when he was a small baby, with the heze as his guardian. She raises him, teaching him forgotten magics and alchemy skills. The human and the heze have a special bond together, and imagine journeys in lands unknown. When a shade steals the witches prize flower, the human and the heze follow its trail, finding adventure, ancient discoveries, lost magics, dangerous secrets and deadlier enemies around every corner. The boy must learn who he is, and why he's the last human to be found after thousands of years.
7 parts