Maria 'The Alpha' Stansson is the mastermind behind Icelands winning streak. Her two older brothers Stefan and Gunnar taught her how to play ice hockey ever since she was born.
Maria took figure skating and ice hockey classes everyday day after school, her skills getting better every single time she hit a puck.
So why can she not play?
That's exactly what Adam Banks wants to find out, so only 𝘏𝘦 will dominate the ice.
The plan that the ducks had configured was simple, find a way to find out her secrets, torment her until she would break. Only then would they be able to know exactly what the Iceland team would do next. Only then, Iceland's team would be so protective of her, that they would show their biggest weakness.
So, without a doubt, the real question is,
Who is Maria Luna Stansson?
The mighty ducks films are on Disney plus, atleast that's where I watched them.