In the captivating novel "AoT: Bloodstained Walls," immerse yourself in the extraordinary journey of Aki Tanaka, a remarkable young woman caught between two worlds. With a lineage that combines the mysterious Eldian and fearless Ackerman bloodlines, Aki is a striking blend of strength and vulnerability. In the seemingly peaceful world she inhabits, Aki leads an ordinary life as a timid yet breathtakingly beautiful girl. Her heart, however, beats with an unwavering love for the Scout Regiment, the brave defenders against the monstrous Titans that threaten humanity's existence. Little does she know that fate has a sinister twist in store for her. When an unimaginable tragedy strikes, Aki's life is irreversibly shattered. Forced to confront the depths of despair and armed with an unyielding determination, she finds herself drawn into the very ranks she idolized. With every step she takes, Aki uncovers secrets that test her loyalties and unveil the true nature of the world she thought she knew. "AoT: Bloodstained Walls" is a gripping tale of self-discovery, resilience, and the sacrifices one must make in the face of unimaginable adversity. Prepare to be swept away in a whirlwind of emotions as Aki's journey unfolds, blurring the lines between heroism and villainy, and leaving an indelible mark on her, and perhaps, on the fate of humanity itself.
12 parts