The Legend says that a Merman's kiss will trap you under water forever. But exceeding science have found the scientific rigour for this legend after millions of decade. But the knowledge can lead to much larger destruction than one could've ever imagined. Set out to make use of Mermans and mermaids, Naoki one of the leading scientist of the Kingdom of Amora works with a group of scientists to retrieve the magic from Mermans and Mermaids. But Naoki is far from those bastards who'd rather kill then live in a little less luxury. In between this mess Naoki meets a Merman Makato and a series of unfortunate even leads to Makato kissing Naoki. Now Naoki is befuddled about the kiss. Was it the so called magical kiss or a normal one? Will the magic actually work or it won't? Naoki needs to figure it all out before his team finds a way to extinct the whole Merman & Mermaid community.