this story revolves around two individuals...who are very different from each other one who believe in kindness and other who believe in tic for tac.... two different people two different world... Mew Suppasit as the Mafia leader of the Knight Hunter's it is the one of the dangerous and powerful Mafia group in Thailand... Mew is most arrogant and dangerous leader he can change and destroy anything in just one snap of his fingers... he is number in business as well as in mafia, he is also one of the multi billionaire of the country in fact higher authorities of the country also scared from him....he is also know as the devil... Gulf Kanawut is the owner of the GK hospitals and works as the surgeon, he is kind hearted, hot headed, cute, stubborn he is everyone's favourite but he was most also popular in children's, he is complete like a baby... Let see how two different world collie in arrogate Mafia leader fell for cute doctor...and how cute doctor become baby boss... #1 MewGulf #1gulfkanawat Started :- 26th March 2022 Ended :-