The clock strikes twelve, and the name that appears on Minhos forearm leaves him filled with various emotions. Guilt. Confusion. Happiness. And a bit of Denial. ● "So... it's you that was made for me huh.." ○ "Don't act like we're a match made in heaven. I have no good reason to like you Lee and neither do you for me. You only want me because my damn name is on your wrist. " ••••••••••••••• In which Jisung and Minho, who dont have the greatest relationship do to one of them, get matched together for life. The damaged boy and one who damaged him put together, what a combination. There's more deep down about the boys than either of them know. But for them to get to know the truth of each other, they need to overcome their current dilemmas. But can they? Redemption or Rejection? What is the path to be taken by these two, who have little to no connection besides a name on a wrist?All Rights Reserved