Welcome to the Fly Spy Organization Hotline. Fly Spy Organization is the leading environment-friendly data gathering operatives in the world. To best assist you, please connect to the appropriate department. Press... 1 - for missing animals (e.g. cats, dogs, iguana, etc) [FMA Dept) 2 - for missing babies [FMB Dept] 3 - for cheating spouses and other family members [FCSOF Dept] 4 - for scammers and networking shams [FSNS Dept] 5 - for supernatural occurences and oddities [FSOO Dept] 6 - others [Generalist Dept] If you don't know the department you are calling, you may press 0 and we will connect you to our operator who will assist you in this call. Thank you for calling Fly Spy Organization. Have a nice day! Cover Photo Source: Bernard Hermant on Unsplash.com
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