On a normal day in ctf_2fort, the RED Team always get demolished by the BLU team. Never winning in almost a decade, they try out other crazy stuff they can think of, and Engineer might've accidentally made something that warps them to a world they haven't heard of and was sucked in with all the other Mercenaries and the "invention" our beloved texan did...
Note: This is my first novel that I've written, and I'm a sports fan of TF2 more than Touhou but I guess I know their personalities. I think.
Seconmd note, I'm lazy to find a damn cover but if you're willing to dive in to my first story then go for it. Don't judge a book by its cover I guess..
Also, cover is from one of STBlackST's videos. go watch his vids, probably Extremely Unusual Troubles or something that ends with Troubles.
Edit: Added more tags so this thing can be known and searched more easier.
May include things like swear words, sensitive topics but the meme references?
Guys I'm sorry I just unpublished the story accidentally. That was not supposed to happen but it did. Now I'm back to 0.
This is the story of what happens after blood in the water. (a tf2 comic)
The classics mercenaries had captured the Red team and the reader. conflicts almost lead to their demise, yet (y/n) was brave enough to negotiate for their lives. she would lay everything on the line in exchange for her team. They agreed, keeping her captive and free the others. or so she thinks. with the Red team still secretly held imprisoned. there is nothing left to do for (y/n) but to figure out why medic turned against them. It turns out, that there is more to his treason than he previously showed.