(Y/N) is autistic and has tics, he was a happy kid. Throughout his school life, he was bullied which got worse over time, he didn't have any friends due to moving around a lot, as he got into junior school, he had developed a habit of running away when things were particularly bad, that's how he met underground hero, Eraserhead, who became one of the few people who wasn't uncomfortable around him.
When he became a teenager, he couldn't feel emotions anymore, he shut himself from the world, he taught himself to mask his autism when in public to appear normal, but he couldn't hide his tics. He thought he would live his life completely alone with the exception of his parents. It was his dream to be a hero, at least an underground hero, just like Eraserhead.
When he got into UA, no one treated him like an outsider anymore, nor was he bullied, but his walls were built so high and he had major trust issues. He would rarely talk to anyone unless he had to, except from Eraserhead. Class 1A was confused as to why this boy wouldn't let anyone into his life, some wanted to befriend him but he wouldn't give them the chance, eventually he started wondering if he could trust these people, they were so persistent that he didn't realise they had started knocking down his walls. But one he would never let in, Eijiro Kirishima, the boy who he recognised as the kid who watched and did nothing when he was being bullied... Will this always be the case, will Eijiro one day be let into his life...
He can manipulate his blood, when he releases it from his body, he can make it into anything he wants, he can control the strength, density, weight and temperature of the blood, and he can explode it with a click of his fingers, he can use it to get around, he can also control people with it, for example, if he places some blood on someone else so it absorbs into them, he can control them. Overuse leads to anemia, hypovolemic shock and nose bleeds.
Y/n grew up with a quirk that wasn't that good. She was in class 1-C, she knew that she wouldn't get into the Hero Course. Ever since Middle school she kept her hair short. As in short, I mean short like a boy's hair. Long hair hasn't been her favorite.
A red haired boy saw you training once. He wouldn't stop asking you to spar against him. You guys never really talked, you would ignore him, while he tries to get you to speak.
Y/n is a bit of a Introvert, and is a bit Anti-social. Meeting new people is a death wish to her. The only person she get along with is Shinso. Y/n and Shinso are actually brother and sister. They both have different quirks, but these quirks are what others would say villains would have. People would call them both villains, and it pisses her off. She's a hard person to get to, and dislikes mostly everyone in class 1-A, and class 1-B as well. If her brother is friends with one person she joins him. The same goes the other way. Trust issues is the worst for her.
Eijiro Is an Extrovert. He's a boisterous and outgoing guy with a fondness for the concept of manliness. Those who showcase a noble, brave, and/or determined attitude tend to emotionally move him to tears, quickly earning his complete admiration, respect, and friendship. Eijiro is very honest and kind-hearted. He's in class 1-A, and he has lots of friends.
These two are polar opposites, and both have a different view on each other. From being in classes, and the way people talk to them, they can be treated completely different from those around. Will this red head win her heart, or lose her from his life forever?
I don't own any of the characters! All these characters are from Boku No Hero Academia (BNHA)
REMINDER IT IS A FEMALE READER!!! Also!! It's a mature rating because of the fact that I don't want this to be deleted or anything because ONE picture (Darn it Midnight.. Why...)
Cover is done by @SayaCielkill