The stories revolve around a young team of SAF (Special Action Force), who find love while fulfilling their aspirations at the camp. The team includes - Special Agent Karan Shergill, a very strict and brave commando with a tragic past; Special Agent Sanjana Dubey, a rough and tough commando who comes from a conservative background; Special Agent Faizuddin Siddiqui, a cheerful and flirt guy who has his commitment reserved only for his country; Dr. Monami Mahajan a girl of kind-hearted and helpful nature who has decided to join the training against her father's wishes; her best friend, Siddharth Ganju, a comfort & drone flying lover and happy-go-lucky guy; and Koel Roy, an introvert yet determined single mother who is trying to hide her son from the evil clutches of her ex-husband. Peep in to read some short FFs on our favourite couple - MoRan.