What would you feel if your world got turned upside down at a young age? This is exactly what happened to young Y/N at the age of 9 when they died at the Mega Pizza Plex.. they grew very fond over one animatronic though, the daycare attendant, Sundrop. They were told that the animatronic was made around the same time that they were born and they always loved the gleeful animatronic and never understand why a lot of kids got scared by the poor animatronic. It had been ten years since the 'incident' at the Mega Pizza Plex, Y/N was now at the age of 19, as they got older their soul seemed to change their appearance with their age as if they were still alive. They now wonder the Pizza Plex as a free spirit but they mainly watch Sundrop but leave when the kids do unknowing of if the animatronic's could see them or not.. or that was until one day they got a little to curious.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My inspiration for this book came from reading a Sundrop/Moondrop x reader by @psyxchosis! You should definitely check her book out and follow her! (If I got your pronouns wrong please correct me @psyxchosis) But I think this idea is completely original but if it isn't please let me know! I'm also using He/They for Sundrop/Moondrop in this story! (Using he for when Y/N is talking about one and using they for when their talking about both)All Rights Reserved