Here I put my personal experience of russian-Ukrainian war. I can't do a lot, my best weapon is my words. And it is the only way to memorize all this pain, hate, tears. And the only way to go through this.
I live in Ukraine, I am Ukrainian. Writing this in English, because this is the best way to make my thoughts laconic, and someday, who knows, to share this story with the world. But English is not my mother tongue so, please, don't judge me strictly because of this.
All you can find in this book is a truth. When you meet my opinions about russian you may think they are exaggerated. Trust me, they aren't.
I don't know a future. If we stop russians in Ukraine, then this will be only a story. If not, if Europe faces "russian world and amount of their marcy", this story will be ironic "don't look up".