In a futuristic world where the hunger games are years past, the story of Katniss and Peeta's win a legend, their children, Willow and Rye, long gone and nothing more than a memory, lies The Dystopian Games.
The Dystopian Games is a fight to the death game, where twenty five unlucky kids will be drafted to, quite literally, fight to the death in an arena.
The outcome? Only one will be crowned victor.
In this, two children aged ten to eighteen will be drafted by the President to fight for survival in the arena.
The two from Twelve? Luna and Gabe, the secret lovers and parents of Posey.
Would they survive?
Would they be victors?
Or would one have to suffer death so the other might live?
Read to find out!
DISCLAIMER: *this book is in no way affiliated with The Hunger Games Franchise or Suzanne Collins. It is purely from my imagination. There are mentions of Katniss and Peeta in this, but they have been dead and gone for years. This book is still a work in progress*