You get front row seats to the kingdom of dea- I mean life. You are put into the eyes of dream, you have been formally invited to the kingdom of life, there will be games, food, and other things that are fun to do, please sign the paper and bring it to the kingdom of life, dream signs it, and thinks it will be fun, but it is everything, BUT fun, you get there with a bunch of your friends, and it seems normal until you uncover the truth of this kingdom. You may see some people you recognize, you'll have a different ending, with very much twists.
A bunch of friends living together! Sounds cool doesn't it? Well, things don't always go the way you think it would go. Including the fact that half your life is on the internet.
(Tubbo and Tommy are adopted by Phil in this story.)
Started writing: 2/4/2021
10K Reads: 2/9/2021
20K Reads: 7/10/2021
30K Reads: 12/11/2021
40K Reads: 19/12/2021
50K Reads: 23/1/2022
60K Reads: 25/2/2022
70K Reads: 27/3/2022
80K Reads: 2/5/2022
90K Reads: 19/6/2022
100K Reads: 1/8/2022
Finished writing: 3/7/2022
Highest ranks
#2 on eret: 4/7/2022
#3 on hannahxxrose: 4/6/2022
#8 on phil: 9/7/2022
#13 on eret: 26/7/2022
#16 on nihachu: 26/7/2022
< second book i ever wrote! >