after Superior event, peter parker abandon by his friends, loves one and his team as well. even his aunt abandon him, now slowly die by hero's hand. Now he reborn to another world, give new chance of life. But his past try to get him back, and new threat well effect their lives. can he our hero forgive his friends or they must endure pain of suffering? but what threat well hero must face?
ok let's go over this, spider man and marvel character are down by Disney company since they are legally own by them. The testament of sister new devil are own by artists and company as well. any anime I use are go credit to artists for amazing work. Kamen rider and super sentai are legally by toei company. Any images i use goes credit to creator of images, but only drawings I made are own by me. Now hasbro have legal rights to power ranger, and yugioh is own by konami. Monsterverse is own by Warner bros and legandry, toho monster os own my toho. Pokemon is legally own my Nintendo and game freak, and Now let's repeat this once more. Dc is legally own by creator of dc world. I have no ownership, I just make to find story make so we won't have problem.
Being born 'Quirkless'? He can handle that. Being bullied? Hah, he knows how to handle bullies! Becoming a manga artist and the strongest human alive...
Umm... what?
This has got to be a joke. Because seriously! It feels like everything is starting to get out of hand!
Becoming a hero for fun, beating Villains with just one punch, everyone around him seemingly developing familiar superpowers, monsters literally popping out from nowhere and now carrying the fate of the world on his shoulders.
And so begins the story of Izuku Midoriya, the strongest superhero on this world, with epic battles and comedy that's just perfectly fine in this world of quirks. Time to be a Hero!
(One Punch Man, owned by ONE)
(My Hero Academia, owned by Kōhei Horikoshi)
*Cover art belongs to someone else. I merely photoshopped it.