Marian and Jack live in the idyllic countryside of England. They grew up as neighbors and fell in love, starting a family on just enough to get by. Everything is pleasant until the birth of the daughter. Only nights after her birth, she is swept away by the Fae to some unimaginable fate at the court of the Fae Queen. Devastated, Marian and Jack are determined to traverse the strange land of the Fae and get their daughter back, and they only have so much time. But there are complications. The Fae swapped Evelyn with one of their own, a tactic used because they fail to raise their own children. They must also traverse the complicated rules of the Fae world and royal courts. Marian and Jack travel in a strange land with untold troubles with a child that looks like theirs but isn't. How strong are parents' love and how far will they go to get back their child?All Rights Reserved
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