In life, especially in these ending eras, people fail to acknowledge the significance of "Helping one another" as a service and an obligation to society.
This is a story I wrote to help sensitize humanity about the essence of TIME.
If you're in the right position to render a helping hand to another, do it . If you have something to do today, do it.
Never you leave today to be accomplished till tomorrow, for "Today is the tomorrow we all dreamt about yesterday". What needs to be done today must be done today.
little droplets of water can form a mighty ocean. A little help you render to a person can change that individuals life forever.
This is a fictional story I wrote about a man who is treading on the difficult path of life and he seeks assistance from his close friends, but as life may have it, they rendered their help to him ironically and metaphorically:-instead of helping him when he was alive, they rendered assistance when they heard of his mysterious and untimely death.