I share my interesting take on who and what I truly feel life is about after I got the inspiration to write this story from hearing Payable On Death's (P.O.D.'s) song, "Beautiful". 1. God *God is who and what I know! He is my rock and my foundation! I am his and he is mine! Me being taught about God and my belief in him stems back to my childhood. Therefore, it was instilled in me. It has not left since...and, gladly I might add... 2. Survival *First, I was born. Then, my parents loved me and taught me to walk (after crawling) and talk. Later in life, I learned how to do everyday things like cook and drive so that I could take care of myself and become a productive member of society. Eventually, I grew up enough to move out of my parent's house and have my own! From that point on, everything has been on me (with the help of God of course)! 3. Other People *I most definitely look at this point from a Christian perspective as well! It says in the bible several times to love your neighbor (meaning everyone) as yourself (James 2:8 is an example). With that being said, this is where I get this ideology from! I have always believed this and try my very best every single day to live out love! 4. Animals *In my 20 plus years of living life, I have come to realize that God not only made animals so that we can take care of them; but also, so they can take care of us...All Rights Reserved