9 Partes Continúa A collection of mlm one shots. I'll be writing my own ideas but requests are at all times very welcome and I will include them, given that I know the fandom. They will take a while tho, since I am great at procrastinating and also very busy.
This will not include any inappropriate age gaps, incest etc.
probably mostly lord of the rings but also other fandoms.
Chapter name will be the ship and the theme,
for example: Aralas fluff
this will include fluff, angst and so on.
AUs depend on what your looking for, but you can always ask
You can request just the ship or also a certain plot, trope, first person, third person, be as wage or specific as you like.
Content warnings will be at the Chapter beginning if needed
Will be mostly hurt/comfort aside from requests
*Disclamer: I do not own any of these characters, only the story lines I came up with are mine.*