WELCOME TO MATA MISSION ARCHIVES SEARCHING:EJEN ALI FILE DOES NOT EXIST SEARCHING:MISI ALI FILE DOES NOT EXIST SEARCHING:MISI MUSIM ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR INCOMING MESSAGE: YOU ARE TRYING TO ACCESS RESTRICTED FILES, ONLY HIGH-CLASS AGENTS CAN BE ALLOWED TO ACCESS THEM, YOU WILL BE IDENTIFIED AND QUESTIONED ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS TO THESE SAID FILES, AND YOU HAVE 30 SECONDS TO IDENTIFY OR INPUT ACCESS CODES, FAILED TO DO SO WILL IMMEDIATE CLASSIFY YOU AS A THREAT AND ENEMY OF THE AGENCY, TO THE CITY OF CYBERAYA AND THE WORLD WARNING PUNISHMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: DEMOTION OR TERMINATION BANNED ON THE ARCHIVES AND INTERNET ACCESS 1 MONTH SUSPENDED DECREASE YOUR SALARY IN HALF IN 3MONTHS ???-PROTOCOL A.B.G. ACCESS CODE: 0403 ACCESS CODE: VERIFIED WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTINUE? Y/N (PRESSING Y) 6% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ACCESSING MISSION ARCHIVES ???: It seems that the boy is been manipulated by his late mother. (thinking chin) ???: I think is time to continue the original plan. ???: Prepare yourself Ejen Ali your gonna be what your mother wanted to be. ???: And I can't believe that somehow that I.R.I.S came to you boy, is this your doing Aliya? What is your brilliant plan for him Aliya? ???: Is it by pity? Is it because your son has no mother to be guided properly, unlike his father, but you promise before that you want him to be just a normal kid with normal problems of life. At that moment the lights flicker and create a digital sound for a minute or two symbolizing that she is here.....maybe. ???: I will leave your fate with him, As for me ,I will prepare and continue the plan for you and your son. ? ??: Now let's see how is he doing with the others.All Rights Reserved