In her loving memory, I've finally decided to write all about the life of my precious chicken, Pepe.
In this book I will put the memories.. the laughs, the tears, the heartbreaks, the smiles, of our time with our sweet house chicken.
Pepe was an angel. A beautiful angel sent by God who took me on an incredible journey as, through witnessing miracle after miracle, I learned of hope, faith, and love.
My angel is now in Heaven. Her mission on this Earth is complete but I hope that through this book my hen can still touch more hearts.. that reading this you can experience at least an echo of her incredible journey that has shaped me.
This is the true story of Pepe.. the incredible life of the Angel Hen.
*AUTHOR'S NOTE: This novel is a work in progress, thus the chapters aren't yet in their proper order and there are gaps to be filled. I'm trying to express her life perfectly, so I will add chapters depending on which memories I feel most ready to put into words. For now, here are a few pieces of Pepe's life, and I will do my best to hopefully finish her story soon.*