"Embers: A Pokémon Fan-Fiction," tells the story of Greyson Arche, a seventeen-year-old boy with dreams of becoming a Pokémon trainer. Greyson's best friend is also his partner, a Charmeleon nicknamed "Titus." Together, the two hope to compete in Pokémon Leagues worldwide.
Greyson wakes up in the hospital after sustaining a concussion and other serious physical injuries. He does not remember how he got here, but he does remember one thing. Titus has been abducted by an unknown assailant using a solid black PokéBall. As time passes, Greyson must learn to cope with the loss of his best friend as he heals mentally and physically.
"Embers," tells a darker tale than many Pokémon fans might expect and is not suitable for younger readers. Triggers such as graphic violence, blood, kidnapping, torture, and adult language will appear without warning. Reader discretion is advised. New chapters will be released twice a week, every Tuesday and Friday, beginning April 26 through July 15. Art included has been commissioned especially for this fan-fiction by the author. Reposting without permission is not allowed.
For more information, please see the author's bio.
All human characters are original creations of the author. The author does not own the Pokémon brand, characters, or other names within the universe. The following story is a work of pure fan-fiction and is not canon to any official Pokémon universe.
A Maybank and A Cameron? It's almost like a modern Romeo and Juliet. It's forbidden for them to be together. Could be the end of the world.
The stolen glances, the hidden feelings, the unspoken words, the secret meetings and the obvious hatred towards each other followed by constant conflicts and some hidden past that threatened them but there are always invisible strings tied and pulling them together no matter how hard the tides trying to pull and part them away from each other.