re·sid·u·al /riˈzijo͞oəl/ adjective -an internal aftereffect of experience or activity that influences later behavior. -Merriam Webster ~ After a One year break from being a superhero, Becky finds it hard to get back into heroism while grappling with her emotions about friends and former enemies. will she fall in love with the most dangerous villain in the city? ships: Tobecky mainly, maybe some scoops x violet at some point, and oddly enough Victoria and Rose 🤔 weird one, I know ~ Newbie writer and to the WG fandom, so try to bear with me. also none of that "name: words" crap. I hate that. I hope you enjoy my story! image credit to Bubblybluejelly I think? it was hard to find, but i fell in love with it. if you are the artist and you would like me to take it doen, contact me.All Rights Reserved