Maybe, this is an opportune dalit moment for God, who could have felt slighted at their discarding Gandhi's harijan tag but realizing at long last that they were justified in doing so, in the spirit of let bygones be bygones, had ushered in Narendra Modi to embark upon changing India's outlook towards itself, to achieve which, he may cease his vanchit, shoshit, peedit rhetoric and instead exhort Malas, Madigas, Chamars et al to feel good about themselves. So, now it's for the dalits to become devas, and strangely though, they can draw inspiration from the very Brahmins whom they perceive as the source of their socio-economic plight, for the so-called dwijas, the twice born, owing to their single-minded focus on acquiring knowledge above all else, could affirm 'Brahmano mama devata', Brahmins are Angels. So, could Dalits be Devas of a New India.
Mehrbano is a kind enthusiastic girl entrapped in a loveless marriage with a cold man Ehan Haider. She had fully invested herself in her marriage but she got nothing but pain. She never knew her heart would be shattered into pieces.
She: You have my heart.
He: Heartbreak is a heavy burden to carry.
Read the story to know what's going to be their future?