Awoken by an unexpected tremble, this grand wizard's seclusion ended prematurely. Crankily, he ventured out of his hermit cave quite unwillingly, but nonetheless, troubled as his cosy home was destroyed forcing him to find residence in a nearby village.
Who would have known that he would be broke and living on the streets with his new friend, Bob, who was also unfortunately homeless? This grand wizard could make the world cower in fear and piss themselves, but currently, his biggest predicament was finding shelter.
Only by diligently gathering flowers and begging while simpering on the street would he garner enough to purchase himself a library with, painstakingly, handwritten spells (that he wrote himself) for him to vend. Unfortunately, it appeared to this powerful wizard that magic was viewed as weak and used to alleviate inconveniences. Ha! Although his bones don't work as well as they used to, he'll show those faithless brats what true strength is!
He promised to raise disciples and expose his knowledge to the arrogant younglings who dared to call the magic of wizardly weak!
{Slow updates. Temporary cover-here is the link anyway!,-stremlene-zhit--vne-vremeni,-vne-sUyetnost?utm_campaign=transit&utm_source=main&utm_medium=page_0&
Are you really gonna copy that...? Anyhow good luck! ^ ^