(Karl x Quackity)
"Hi! How can I help you?" A boy behind the counter grabbed Karl's attention.
He was beautiful. Silky black hair, tan porcelain skin, and a bright smile that just made Karl's day that much more better.
"Just looking for some flowers." He replied, not wanting to waste too much time.
"I can help with that! Any particular reason?" The flower boy asked.
Karl had to stop himself from staring. "Uh.. first- first date." He said back to the pretty flower boy.
"Ah I see," the flower boy said. "Let me recommend a classic bouquet of red roses, over rated sure, but they do the trick." The flower boy suggested as he walked around gathering the many flowers.
Karl couldn't help but feel pulled in. The boy was delicate and pretty, like any other flower, but shone brightly as if he was the sun itself.
-things to know-
No, this is not Karlnapity, just Karl and Quackity cause lore got me crying. Sapnap is still mentioned in this though so don't worry.
I kinda came up with this on the spot so the first couple of chapters may not be the best.
side ships may include: DreamNotNap, SkepHalo.
I hope you enjoy ❤
Whizzer's death - told from different perspectives. A Falsettos fanfic. I'm always looking for improvement, so let me know if you have any tips for my writing!