The she-cock holder, previously known under the alias as Yuuki, or Tord, now under the alias, "Bambi." They have been notorious for drawing gay porn in the FNF fandom. Before the FNF Fandom, they were into Undertale, and were into mpreg, and had erp'd on instagram, before moving into Discord. They had also been into the MHA fandom, and had erp's on Discord. Their boyfriend, "Kisma," Is somebody who has possibly been known for working on Dave And Bambi: Golden Apple, but that hasn't been confirmed nor denied yet.
The Hotline Miami, DBD, and the man by many names. Storm, Somnus, Safari, or Sanctuary (on occasion.) The Mexican who got cancelled for saying the n-word once, and came back with a redemption arch. They are known for their major obsession with Hotline Miami and also Dead by Daylight. They now have PTSD from walls due to Bambi, and are currently in a relationship with "Dia." Storm is also in love with Kichi's thighs, and has CONFIRMED to wanting to have smash Bambi (Not confirmed not de-confirmed.)
With the pains getting worse, the debt looming over her and the consequences sinking in, Y/N sees no other option than to blindly join the game.They seemed fine at first.
Until the first gunshot rung out.
With players continually voting to stay, Y/N seeks safety with a previous winner and his group. Including player 001.
TW -
Sensitive topics
Smut (OPTIONAL to read it)