This is a short story, its genre is Drama/Teen fiction. It has an underlying theme of the basic problems within society today. The story cleverly outlines the themes of stereotypes, bullying, expectations that are too high and superficial things which pop culture seem to put important emphasis on; like losing your virginity. The story takes apart these themes and subtly criticises them, revealing the truth behind each one and showing how they influence us. I wrote this story with a word limit of 750 words because I wanted people to read it all and have its meaning impact you without the separation a longer book would cause. It will hopefully make you question the times you have been quick to judge, even without realising it. You, like me might think yourself more exempt, never jumping to conclusions or judging but the truth is; like violence, judgement and prejudice is an innate feature of humankind. We all do it, even if we don't act on it.Todos os Direitos Reservados
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