In this adventure-thriller, three aliens - Alisa, Avery, and April- are from different parts of their planet, but all of them are fed up with their lives. The top section of the planet is in charge. They have the planets government, the best restaurants and shopping options on the whole planet. That's where April is from. Around the middle section of the planet is what people call The Alley. The Alley is a very misterious place, and has the smallest population out of all three sections, and it holds the galaxy's record for most pickpockets in one year. That's where Avery is from. And finally, way down at the bottom section of the planet, is where the information is stored, is where Alisa lives. All the other aliens are geniuses, because they have devoted their while life into studying. All of them different things. The bottom section is where all the newest inventions and machines are produced. These aliens all feel like they belong somewhere else but don't know where. Will they be able to get off of their planet, even with the S.H.A.F.E hunting them down? Find out now!