This story is about Kuramoto Shinji, a high schooler who was abandoned by his parents to pay off a debt. With absolutely no possible way to save himself from this crisis in time, Shinji would begin to slowly dive down into the pit of insanity as he would work himself to the bone, hoping to at least pay off a quarter of the debt by the end of the year.
However as the days go by, as Shinji was slowly begining to get fired from each one of his part time jobs, he eventually gave up. Awaiting certain doom was something he should have really done from the start, yet he wanted to have hope that maybe, if god was so nice, he could save himself.
On the day of the debt collection, Shinji was greeted by a mysterious young woman who barged into his apartment.
"It's hard isn't it? Because of money, your relationships have been destroyed. Because of relationships, all you can think about now is money. You have no way out of this, why don't you come with me? If you manage to win this game....perhaps you'll be able to pay off that debt of yours."
That's how it started. Shinji, who at this point was filled with nothing but rage towards society accepted the invitation. Unfortunately, before that young woman could ever imagine it, she had invited a deranged monster to play her little 'Game'.
Money or relationships? The 'Internment Game' begins, now!
This is a translation of the original novel. Spare me your mercy by Sammon Frictionlog.
This story is about Guntapat, a Palliative doctor who had taken care of Wasan's mother in her final days, became the one who took care of her son's heart in his sorrowful days as well . As their relationship went deeper, the mystery was gradually unraveled and every clue in this case led to Gunntapat.