Loki Laufeyson, a talented young singer, after being discovered by the known playgirl Comtess Silvie de Lushton, is sent to Paris Opera House by his new patron to be classically trained. Unfortunately, his point of contact, the manager, Maddie McWillaims, has just been fired. The new managers-- Vision and his wife, Wanda-- put Loki to work in the costume department instead. After a short time there, Loki is overheard singing in the dead of night by the fabled Phantom of the Opera that lurks far below the theatre. The Phantom soon introduces herself as Maestra and decides to take Loki under her wing, training his voice herself. However, all of their plans upend when Comtess de Lushton returns to Paris.
DISCLAIMER! I don't own you, I don't own POTO, the Marvel Characters, any songs, videos, pictures, etc. I also don't own @BuckeyeGirl2002's OC's
I just wanted to write about Phantom again with Marvel Characters so here we go.
Enjoy the book!
As a writer, Emma knows better than anyone that characters exist to suffer. Her motto has always been "Help the plot, hurt the characters."
That changes when, after being knocked unconscious in a dreadful car accident, she wakes up in a world that's not her own; a world where all her dreams come true. Unfortunately, not all dreams are good ones. And the opera ghost? Well, that wasn't exactly one of her best dreams.
Now that the characters are as real to her as she is, is she still willing to advance the plot at their expense? Does she even have the power to make that decision? The song says she'll live as she's never lived before; surely that's true, but is it a good thing? That's up to her.
Tied for 1st place in the Erik x OC section of @BrendaDaaeDestler's Phantom's Rose Awards