Katherine White lives underground in one of seven isolated societies, each built to remain hidden from a singular world leader with an overwhelming lust for carnage. While the world is wilting away in its sorrow, Katherine vows to take back everything that was lost... while placing a bullet through the hearts of everyone that caused it. __________________________ Celestials collide and I am one with the constellations. Small clusters of fire and fairies cascaded the night sky, scattering its presence like dust in the morning sunlight. Through the curtains of heavens atmosphere, the moon shined with mysteries. Stars were disguised as prophecies each assigned to individual souls, some still writing destinies and others rewriting their fate. My eyes scanned the cosmos for familiarity. I was searching for a recognition of some sort, something that would show me purpose and belonging. Bright combustions of coruscation fled with the collection of the vessels that they belonged to. Nothing was left to fasten with my essence except for the overwhelming lack thereof. Everything was nothing. All that shimmered in its glory was absent. Forgotten manifestations of strangers deteriorated in their loneliness, leaving me singular in a void of darkness. My eyes had closed with despair, assuming I was meant for further than oblivion. Something was wrong. It wasn't supposed to happen this way, not like this. Not forgotten. I was impatient for a miracle while the universe had remembered my sins, counting each unglorified action against my worth. I was a one-track collision course fated for destruction. I was waiting for death. Suddenly a rush of warmth obliterated my senses. Nothing but the shade of purity glistened in my existence, daring to blind my sight in beauty. Before my lips parted in wonder, I was consumed in its radiance and given a divine decree more grand than those given to kings. __________________________All Rights Reserved