Dear Readers,
Sebelum kalian membaca, aku beritahu saja, ini adalah cerita klise tentang dua orang yang dari dunia berbeda, mereka saling membenci, bahkan dengan perpisahan bertahun-tahun, perasaan tetap sama.
Namun, apa yang membuat cerita menarik bukanlah kalimat di akhir cerita, tapi prosesnya, proses bagaimana si karakter tumbuh seiring dengan waktu.
Jadi, silakan kalian membaca dengan sabar. Ceritanya akan tetap menarik, walaupun kau sudah tahu bagaimana akan berakhir. Seperti yang aku katakan, ini adalah cerita klise.
Lots of love,
Esque Marani.
Under 18
#73 in ChickLit - May 2nd, 2016
Give out your review of the book. Link in my profile.
Thanks a lot, babes
| STARTED: January 20th, 2015. |
| COMPLETED: June 28th, 2015. |
connected [ kuh-nek-tid ]: having a connection
Alfian Djanuar Nandiardji is my first love. He is the only person I wish I could pass the future with.
It used to be like that.
Without knowing anything, I thought everything is fine. I will have my own perfect life soon... Until that night changed everything.
"Maaf, sebenarnya rasa itu sudah lama nggak ada lagi, Na."
I believe that I have laid my heart on a man who deserves it. But not with that all of the lies and what he had hidden behind me--behind the things that we called as a 'relationship'--when I have to admit that for all these years I'm just the extra person in his life.
And then, it happened again, without realizing anything I have found someone... from my random lunch invitation.
"Until he's gone... On the day when people told me that he's not here anymore... they don't know... for both of us, deep down in our hearts, we're both know..."
... that we're still connected."