Zackary Leichtenberg-Warren thought that he had experienced the worst that the world had to offer when he left his small hometown of Surrey to dodge ghosts, murder, and his ex-boyfriend, Jared Elkner, but not even ten thousand guesses could prepare him for what happened when he moved to Central City five years after the events of Bad Girls Don't Die.
Barry Allen is in love with Aurora Anderson. She is his everything, and she gets to become his wife.
Barry Anderson and Rory Anderson have decided that they want to become Metahumans, no matter the cost. So they get together, and build the particle accelerator, drunk with power and with love, but a heavily miscalculated error causes it to explode on a global scale, wiping out most of the world's population.
Suddenly, his wife, his love, is dead and gone, and he can see ghosts, ghosts like her, and his ex-wife, Iris West, a woman he loved, married, and murdered.
Dr Leichtenberg-Warren is known among fellow Metahumans as the Doctor of Death, a ray of light in these dark, despairing times. He can touch someone, anyone, and anything, and bring it back to life, completely. But at a cost, if he brings them back for more than a minute, something else dies.
The Metahumans don't care, a minute is more than enough. They come to Dr Leichtenberg-Warren all the time, searching, seeking, hoping to find their friends, families, and loved ones again, and to be able to see them, even if it's just for a minute.
Dr Anderson, infamous among the Metahumans for being the man who caused the end of the world, hears of this, and hope is found within him again. Maybe he could see his wife again, more than just her ghost. Maybe he can convince Dr Leichtenberg-Warren to bring his Rory back to life for more than a minute. He'd do anything to have Rory back, even sacrifice himself.