Blake Riley, aka Hot Shot, is a young S.H.I.E.L.D. taken in by his godfather, Nick Fury, after the death of his parents at a young age. A few years later, Agent Riley along with agents Romanoff, Barton, Coulson, and others tackle several challenges happening in one week. Helping Tony Stark with Palladium poisoning, wrath of the Hulk, the arrival of Thor, and the return of Steve Rogers. Little did any of them know is that sooner or later, they would come together and fight the battles that normal people couldn't do.
This story will be focusing on Blake Riley dealing with events of Iron Man 2 (little mentions from Iron Man 1), Thor, The Incredible Hulk, a bit of Captain America, and finally the Avengers!
I don't own any of the marvel characters. All rights go to Marvel!!