Elise lived a charmed life as a college student. She had friends and her life was blessed, but she is gripped by panic attacks that seize her in the dark of the night. She's plagued by nightmares and is generally unsettled in her own skin. Elise constantly feels under attack, that every breath could be her last. Looking at her reflection, she can see the damage her constant fear puts her in. Heavy stance and tired eyes, and strange blueish hues of bruising along her body from tight grasps and nightly thrashing- or so she believes. Elise is beginning to notice strange things about her reflection, the strange and foreign fear that resides deep in her gaze and how she's always breathless and frantic when she looks at herself. The disheveled appearance always clinging to her and those mysterious bruises. She isn't positive, but something strange is happening with her reflection. But who is the reflection and what happens when Elise goes to the mirror one morning and finds nothing looking back at her?